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Testez votre niveau d'Anglais !

Testez votre niveau d'Anglais en ligne et vous aurez un retour corrigé

par un(e) de nos professeur(e)s qualifié(e)s sous 48h !

Test anglais

Test de niveau d’anglais base sur le standard CECRL

Test Gratuit, c'est parti !
1. How old are you? I ________
2. Please, _________ you speak slower?
3. London is the capital of the United ________ .
4. I’ll wait for you _________.
5. I love _________ abroad.
6. I am so ____________. I need to eat something.
7. Where _______ you from? – Australia.
8. I live ______ Los Angeles.
9. How ____ you spell your name, please? – R-I-C-H-A-R-D-S.– R-I-C-H-A-R-D-S.
10. They _______ go to the cinema.
11. My sister ______ born on the 1st of April 1995.
12. Is this a small city? – No, it’s ______ big.
13. English is a lot _________ than French.
14. _________ long have you worked here?
15. It costs $100! It’s _______ expensive!
16. He usually ________ at 7am.
17. How _______ does this cost?
18. Do your parents live here? -Yes, that’s ______ house over there.
19. This lesson is too ________. Could you help me?
20. Yesterday, I _______ to the restaurant with my boyfriend.
21. Look at these mountains. What a lovely _______!
22. I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m very _________ today.
23. _________ you talk to him last week?
24. It’s cold outside. You should ________ your coat?
25. Hurry up! The appointment is ______ 10.
26. I’m looking __________ the summer holidays.
27. This is the best tea I’ve ______ tasted.
28. He hasn’t played since he ______ the accident .
29. It’s all right, we _______ hurry. We have plenty of time.
30. Our manager wants _______ to his office right now.
31. This table ___________ of wood.
32. It won’t work __________ you charge the battery.
33. He only has __________ friends.
34. The TV is too loud. Please, _____________.
Attention, ça se complique ...
35. I’m looking forward _____________ him.
36. Yesterday, I was so upset that I __________ sleep…
37. If I had known, I ___________ you!
38. You _____________ eat healthy if you don’t want to put on weight.
39. I ___________ him for ages!
40. This man speaks a lot of ___________ languages : Chinese, Spanish, French, etc.
41. How _______________ is it from here? – Only 1 mile.
42. I ________ drink beer than wine.
43. You can stay ___________ you remain quiet.
44. They ____________ right now.
45. Listening to podcasts while driving allows me to ____________________
46. I have been studying English _______ 5 years.
47. My colleague has been on holiday for two weeks and now she needs to _______________
48. Stop ___________ that! It’s not true.
49. If we hadn’t missed our flight __________ by the pool right now.
50. Take extreme care ____________ this bottle.
51. ______________ I known this was going to be so boring, I would never have come.
52. Let’s call him. He ______________ for us.
53. The penguin _____________ the only species able to survive in such conditions
54. I don’t mind _______________ with you.
55. Tomorrow, I ____________ to do any sport.
56. I love swimming. – _________________
57. I _____________ to go skiing with my parents but now I go on my own.
58. They’d learn the language quite quickly if they lived in the country, _________________?
59. I’m so ____________. I don’t feel like doing anything today…
On s'accroche, encore plus compliqué...
60. If I could I ___________ more often.
61. When I __________ rich, I’ll buy a new house by the beach.
62. I am tempted, but I feel it may be inappropriate to ____________.
63. Did you remember _______________ off the heat before we left?
64. Have you found a job __________?
65. This is my ____________
66. She has two sisters but she doesn’t speak to _____________ of them.
67. The gas station is 10 miles ___________.
68. I’d like to _____________ for the job, do you have a form for me?
69. You’re so _____________ in that dress! Are you going out on a date?
70. You shouldn’t believe what this guy says. He isn’t ______________ at all.
71. I’m so busy right now… I’ll probably go on holiday _________________.
72. I have ______________. I’m getting married!
73. This girl is so funny. She _____________.
74. I’m afraid we’ll have to _____________ our appointment. I won’t be available tomorrow as planned. What about Wednesday instead?
75. When I came home, my husband ________________.
76. He is ____________ travelling throughout Asia.
77. It’s hard to study _________________ I want.
78. No way?! It’s already 8pm?! ___________.
79. Mum, could you help me? No, I have other __________ to fry!
Dernière ligne droite ...
80. This book _________________ by a German writer.
81. I ___________________ as a teacher since 2015.
82. I was born on ________________ 1990.
83. I’m not sure yet… I __________ come to the party as well, I’ll let you know.
84. _____________ the bad weather there were a lot of runners participating in the competition.
85. _________________ you give me a hand, please?
86. There is only ____________ coffee left.
87. I think you’d better go ________ the hospital. You look dreadful!
88. He’s a very ___________ boy. He speaks more than 5 languages!
89. I __________ I could come but unfortunately I have a lot of homework…
90. Practice makes perfect! Never stop learning, the more you learn the __________ you’ll become.
Well done!
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